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Using a TENS Unit After Knee Arthroscopy

Sometimes, a surgical procedure is necessary to treat a significant problem in our body. Pain after surgery is normal and expected, and post-operation pain management is vital to the recovery process. One of the more common surgical procedures regularly done is arthroscopic knee surgery. Knee arthroscopy is a surgical procedure in viewing knee joints without making large incisions. It is necessary to diagnose and treat a wide range of knee problems. Without a doubt, Pain management methods like using a TENS unit after knee arthroscopy has proven to help with the recovery process drastically.

There are many alternative methods to manage pain without the use of oral medications. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) can relieve all sorts of pain at a sensory level. Is it safe to use a TENS unit after knee arthroscopy? A TENS unit like iTENS has proven to be a safe and reliable pain relief method for post-operatic pain. The iTENS is a wireless TENS device for pain management that can provide convenient and efficient pain relief. It also is one of the first wireless TENS devices that have FDA approval.

TENS Unit After Knee Arthroscopy: How it Works

TENS therapy is the process of sending low electrical impulses to the nerves. Treatment using a TENS unit after knee arthroscopy creates mild tingly sensations to stimulate the nerves through the skin. The sensations come from the electrode pads where the currents pass through. When the device floods the nerves with electrical stimulation, it blocks the pain receptors in the brain from receiving pain signals. Blocking the signals could reduce or even negate the pain.

When can you use a TENS unit after knee arthroscopy? According to medical experts, it is safe to use a TENS unit on the same day after the procedure. Just make sure to clear this up with your orthopaedist first to give you the right advice. Use new clean gel pads of your TENS unit to avoid infection. Many users state that using the TENS treatment helps them regain motion and improve the overall function of their knees. With the iTENS wireless unit, patients do not need to rely on opioids or other oral painkillers, which may have side effects. iTENS is a non-invasive and drug-free alternative to pain relief.

The instances where the TENS machine is not advisable are during pregnancy, cancer patients, epileptic patients, people with cardiac pacemakers, or defibrillators. However, using a TENS unit after knee arthroscopy or other post-surgical procedures is safe and widely recommended for the rehabilitation and healing process.

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Note: iTENS wings should always be used with a gel pad.